Updated Jun2019

Contents of this document:



¿What products does EcoSouth offers?
EcoSouth offers the following products:

  • Machinery to produce MicroConcrete Roofing (MCR) tiles
  • MCR Polystyrene moulds, roman tile type
  • Ball Mills to produce Puzzolanic Cement
  • Biomass Shredder to produce solid fuel blocks, used as fuel in brick and lime kilns
  • Vibrating Presses to produce blocks, floor tiles, and other small pre-cast high quality elements
  • Concrete Mixers and Mixers for MicroConcrete mortar
  • Spare parts and Accessories for our machines
  • Quality control equipment
  • Consulting, assessment and technical assistance in the following themes:
    • MCR Production
    • Puzzolanic Cement Production
    • Advice about Project Conception (design, organization, funding)
    • Integral project evaluation
    • Advice about Ecomaterials: Mud brick (adobe), lime production, bricks, others...
    • Brick and lime kilns
    • Standards and Quality Control
    • Market studies, feasibility for Ecomaterials technologies
    • Conception, design and building of economic housing projects.

Presently, EcoSouth is testing different machines and technologies who will be available to the public in the near future. short term: a manual extruder to produce ceramic bricks and a manual press to produce pressed solid biomass briquettes.

If you don't find what you are looking for in this document, please contact us and we will send you the information you need as soon as possible

Where can I find EcoSouth's products?
If you need equipment, machinery, spare parts or technical assistance, please contact us with your inquires.
Sales and customer service is handled directly through the contacts page. 
EcoSouth can send its products to anywhere in the world. Our products are available for direct sale in Nicaragua and Guatemala in Central America, Ecuador in South America, Cuba in the Caribbean Region, Namibia in Africa an from Switzerland in Europe.

How can I become an EcoSouth dsitributor in my country?
EcoSouth cooperates only with well established workshops using these products. The workshops must be able to provide complete customer service, pre and post sale services, as well as provide the training and technology transfer in its country and nearby region. EcoSouth is not interested in mere overseas distributors.

What is included when I buy an EcoSouth product?
According to the product or service you purchase, EcoSouth offers a palette that can include: the complete know-how , the technology transfer, training, machinery, market studies, software, etc.

What costs are involved for an EcoSouth expert to my site to give advice about Ecomaterials production? 
Once you have bought an EcoSouth product, you only have to cover all travel expenses plus housing, meals and pocket money. Depending on the country and the distance to our nearest center, costs can vary considerably. 
Please contact us for more information.

What are the prices of EcoSouth products?
EcoSouth's products and services are sold with technology transfer included and ready to start production
Please contact us about a quotation.
The quotation DOES NOT INCLUDE shipping and handling costs, or customs in your country
Please, if you have further questions about prices and products not included in this document, please contact us

Shipping weight
MicroConcrete Roof tile production unit, model tevi TM4
Includes vibrating table, spare parts kit, maintenance tool, 200 mould for roman tile, quality control equipment
High impact Polystyrene moulds to produce roman tile
50 units package. Minimum order 1 package.
Doesn't include the wood frame
Ball Mill model MB 600
Capacity 60 kg per batch
Ball Mill model MB 800
Capacity 210 kg per batch
Biomass shredder
It reduces biomass to chips to produce biomass solid blocks to be used as fuel in brick or lime kilns
Concrete mixer
To mix and homogenization of concrete mixtures
MicroConcrete Mortar mixer
300 kg
Specifically designed to produce the microconcrete mortar to produce MCR tiles
VIBRACOM-1 vibrating press to produce concrete blocks and floor tiles
Includes three moulds: two for blocks and one for floor tiles. It can produce up to 1.500 units per shift
PRENSABLOCK vibrating press to produce concrete blocks and floor tiles
Includes three moulds: two for blocks and one for floor tiles. It can produce up to 1.500 units per shift
Mixer for the vibrating presses
10 hp electric motor, 50 Kg for cement per batch
Spare parts and accessories
Quality control equipment
Assessment and consulting
Shipping and handling costs

Can EcoSouth finance my investment?
, EcoSouth can't finance directly your investment, as well as can't search funding for your project. The EcoSouth network is only related to give technical Assessment, providing information and consulting in several themes about the habitat

Which are the shipping and customs costs of EcoSouth products?
EcoSouth send its products either air or sea using enowned transport companies. Shipping costs depends on your geographic location. As an example, air shipping of a MCR production unit is ABOUT US$ 600,oo in the Americas.
This price doesn't include customs in your country. Customs fees depends on taxes in each country. If you need more information, please contact you Customs Office in your country or contact uswith an specific question.

Are there manuals, technical sheets or publications where I can have more information about ECOSouth products?
Every machine that you receive from ECOSouth includes installation and training manuals, quality control sheets and spreadsheets for the finances of your investment.
There is a CD-Rom with exclusive information about MCR production. This CD is for sale a US$ 30,oo, including shipping and handling. 
If you need more information, please check our publications or contact us with an specific questions. All your inquires will be answered by one of our experts as soon as possible.

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How MCR tiles are made?
It looks easy – and it is! With the right equipment and the right know how, just about anybody can produce good tiles, If they stick to the rules and work carefully!
It is not hard work nor does it require skills that cannot be learned by most people. But, don't make the error of wanting to “invent the wheel”. MCR is a well developed technology with production guidelines, norms and standards, and shortcuts in the know-how transfer are usually paid dearly with low productivity and mediocre quality.

Basically, the process starts with a sheet of microconcrete mortar (a mixture made of sand, water and portland cement) poured over a vibrating machine. Then, it is put over the mould for 24 hours. Then, it is submerged in water to complete its hardiness.

Follow this link to se some pictures for the MCR production

What is the price of the MCR production unit? 
The MCR production unit is sold with all the know how and ready to start producing.
You MCR production unit will be ready to ship in 7 days, and, depending on your country and the shipping method (air, sea, land) you will have to wait up to 14 days to receive the unit.

The price quotation you gent DOES NOT INCLUDE shipping and handling costs or customs in your country.
Please, if you have further questions about prices and products not included in this document, please contact us

What is included in the MCR production unit? 
The MCR production unit includes:

  • One vibrating table machine with short chassis and electric motor of 12 V 8A. 
    The machine also works with a car battery or solar panels (not included).
  • AC inverter from 110-120V a 12 V 8A
  • 200 plastic moulds to start producing roman tiles
  • Metal frames for roman tiles, ridge tile and vault slabs
  • Scale and spoons for dossification
  • Basic testing equipment (quality control) for the workshop
  • Spare parts kit and maintenance tool
  • Printed manuals, training video and CD-ROM

How long does the plastic mould last?
The high quality of the tevi plastic moulds make them last at least 20 years

Can I use other moulds, besides the one of roman tile, in the MCR unit to produce other type of tiles?
With the tevi equipment you can produce Roman tiles, ridge tiles, lateral close tiles and vault slabs.
If you purchase an optional metal frame, you can produce the wave-closing tile

Please be careful with the mould falsifiers who try to sell you concrete or metal moulds. The moulds THAT WORK are the ones made of High Impact Polystyrene

Can I use Puzzolanic cement to produce MCR tiles?
NO. Puzzolanic cement doesn't give enough strength for the MCR tiles to pass minimum quality standards. Puzzolanic Cement has other applications.

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What is the Ball Mill?
Basically, our Ball Mill is a rotating container where steel balls hits presses the material.
ECOSouth offers 2 models of ball mills: MB-800 who can mill 210 Kg per batch, and the MB-600 who can mill 60 kg per batch. Each batch is about 55 minutes long.
These ball mills work with 220 V tri-phase electric power. Loading the ball mill is manual. Unloading is semi-automatic.
These mills can be used in other applications, among them, milling clay for pottery, in despite of they are designed specially to produce Puzzolanic Cement CP-40
The Ball Mill package includes high-impact steel balls, electric motor at 220 V, spare parts kit and all the KNOW-HOW about how to produce Puzzolanic Cement CP-40

Is it possible to use the available materials in my place to produce Puzzolanic Cement?
In general, YES. The raw material to produce Puzzolanic Cement are found in volcanic activity areas. If you live outside this areas, You can use by-products or agroindustrial waste (e.g. rice-mill waste, sugar cane wastes). The limiting material for the production of Puzzolanic Cement is lime, who can't be replaced in the final formula. 
It is very important to have technical assistance in the selection of the material who is going to be used as Puzzolana (the volcanic ash or the agroindustrial waste). ECOSouth can give you all the technical assistance in the selection of the puzzolanic material and make usability tests in-situ, whenever it is possible.

May I use Puzzolanic Cement in the production of MCR tiles?
NO. Puzzolanic cement doesn't give enough strength for the MCR tiles to pass minimum quality standards. Puzzolanic Cement has other applications.

What are the applications of the Puzzolanic Cement CP-40 produced in ECOSouth's ball mills?
The Puzzolanic Cement CP-40 has a slower hardness time than Portland cement. Due to this, it is used as a masonry mortar (to plastering and upraise walls). Soil stabilization, pressed blocks, production of light pre-cast concrete elements, mass concrete, among others.
One of the main applications of the Puzzolanic Cement is to substitute up to a 40% the Portland cement in the production of light pre-cast concrete elements like blocks and floor slabs

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Gernot Minke, architect, builder and friend of the ECOSouth network has published "Construction manual for earthquake-resistant houses built of earth"
It describes general aspects of earth building and different earth building techniques, from rammed earth walls, adobe walls in normal bonding and interlocking (without mortar) methods, etc.

You can download a brief version of this document (55 pages, 3.5 Mbytes following this link
(From www.gtz.de)

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Please, if this document does not solve your questions or if you have more questions about EcoSur products and services, please contact us. We will answer all your questions as soon as possible.